Moroku Online Assessment Tool - MOAT

For Digital Banking Transformation

Moroku’s online assessment  tool (MOAT) allows you to determine your organisational readiness for a digital transformation program.

It’s four modules guide you through an analysis of your business  fundamentals to understand your readiness for a digital transformation.

It is based on decades of experience by Moroku and its partners in transforming banks with digital across the world.

At the end of the assessment you will receive a transformation assessment report outlining your score in each factor and a narrative outlining your position and choices for transformation.

Let’s Determine Your Readiness

Assess your organisational readiness across the 4 primary factors.

The Four Factors

Explore the Four Factors


There are multiple extenral factors operating on the busienss. These include technology, regulatory and market. Undertadningthe pressure that these are having on the bsuienss can cause impetus for change. 


Who are our customers, what defines their tribe, are they unique? ho wmany of them are tehre and what products do you serve them? The answers to these questions can imapct the complexities of a change and your ability to transform



ks require a number of capabuilities to serve the customer in a highly regulated enviroment. These capabiliies and their interfaces detrmine what needs to change and how


The shape of teh busienss as measure by its income, expenses blance sheet and comemrcial arrangements detrmine capacity and timing for change. 


Assessment Results

The questionnaire will take about 15-20 minutes to complete, if you have all of the information at hand. 

Most of this information the CEO will have in their head or on their phone.

Following your assessment you will receive your free report via email. 

The MOAT falls under and is protected by the Moroku privacy policy.

Let’s help you Attract Customers and Reduce Costs

Customer owned banks, credit unions and mutuals want a digital experience that allows them to acquire customers and deepen customer relationships.

Moroku Money is a white label digital banking solution for customer owned banks to compete and grow.

This is a staging environment